Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

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How to Get Your Daughter to Talk to You

  How are you doing with getting your daughter to talk to you? I mean… Does she naturally come to you with what’s on her heart? With what’s happening at school? Or with who sent that risqué Snapchat last night? Or does it more feel like… trying to get a closed clam to talk to […]

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What Do I Say When My Daughter Says She’s Fat?

  The million dollar question. “What do I say when my daughter says she’s fat?” The mom nightmare. She starts to talk crap about her body. …how do we respond? So that she doesn’t just roll her eyes at us? How do we stop fighting just this uphill battle against the ‘media’ and the Instagram […]

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Setting Real Tech Boundaries with Your Kid

  One of top 2-3 questions I get. Not kidding. “What do I do with this phone of hers?” I’ll be brief today. In the U.S. it’s a holiday weekend (hence also not sending our regular We Thrive TV email on yesterday’s holiday Thursday!). BUT, what more perfect time to talk about tech, boundaries and […]

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