Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

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Are You Ready to Stop Putting Everyone Else First?

Sarah Jenks- We Thrive TV

Once you had your daughter… did you find yourself at times all-consumed with mothering, and like you were slowly losing touch with yourself? Do you fall into the trap of putting everyone’s happiness before your own? Do you sometimes feel exhausted making sure everyone else is fed, cared for and held? And wondering who’s going […]

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A Single Mom’s Field Notes

Are you, or someone you love dearly, flying solo with this whole mothering a preteen or teen daughter thing? I’ve loved bringing our series of Field Notes episodes to you — real dispatches from wise mamas in the midst of raising preteen and teen daughters just like you. Today I have the delight of sharing […]

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3 Reasons Your Reactions Are Blocking Connection

This is a really precious episode. We’re talking how our reactions as moms get in the way of connection. Oh, jeez. For example: When you’re tired — and wish you hadn’t said that snappy thing to your daughter… Or: When you’re stressed — and you wish you could have slowed down to really listen to […]

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