Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

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Are you ready for a joy ride? (We are).

Joy. Pure joy. Belly-aching laughter. The kind where you pee yourself, just a little bit (those muscles aren’t what they once were… ;)). A deep breath, silence, and satisfaction. Quiet, embodied, elation. Warm tingles in the body. Rocky-Balboa-inspired victory laps (perhaps complete with some goofy butt shakes and a fist pump or two into the […]

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If She’s Embarrassed By You, It’s a Good Sign


WHaaaat?! Yes, actually. Let’s break it down. Daughters have been made a berry-red shade of embarrassed by their mothers for ever, right? For recorded parenting history. So much that it’s become ‘normal’ and expected. One of the things you’re warned of when it comes to raising a teen girl.   “Oh, is she embarrassed by you? Oh, are you now “DORK MOM”? […]

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Ever Felt Like You Were Losing Your Daughter?

This is the question that started our work. I feel like I’m losing my daughter, what do I do? We used to be so close, now I feel like she’s rejecting me. Last week, she got embarrassed by me in the grocery store. I hoped this would never happen, but I guess it’s inevitable? I’m […]

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