Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

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Don’t Forget This When You Talk to Her About Sex

We Thrive TV- Sue Jaye Johnson

I’ve got the most amazing interview for you, mama. It’s also a surprise. Because when we think about the body talk with our teenage girls, so often we think about the sex talk. Mostly: how can we get them to be safe?? But I’m diving into a different talk today — and I want to […]

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A Buddhist Mom’s Field Notes

Did you know that mindfulness could make your mothering easier? Yes, I’m talking: Less reactions — (aka, not blowing up at your kid, or taking her grumpiness personally) — A deeper sense of inner calm and center  — (yup, no matter what happens!) — Tuning in to your self with comfort and kindness… (so you […]

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Got Birth Trauma? Healing Years Later

  Surprise question for you… Oh I promise this one is a goody. If you gave birth to your daughter — Yes, all of those years ago — What was it like? In the years since, have you experienced any symptoms such as a weakened pelvic floor, lower back aches, or pain during sex? And […]

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