Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

Sil & Eliza Reynolds

If She’s Embarrassed By You, It’s a Good Sign


WHaaaat?! Yes, actually. Let’s break it down. Daughters have been made a berry-red shade of embarrassed by their mothers for ever, right? For recorded parenting history. So much that it’s become ‘normal’ and expected. One of the things you’re warned of when it comes to raising a teen girl.   “Oh, is she embarrassed by you? Oh, are you now “DORK MOM”? […]

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Her Cell Phone, Your New Best Friend (Kinda).

We get asked this one a lot. Technology + Mother-Daughter Relationships. (Technology + any relationship for that matter). How do I set boundaries with her? What boundaries do I set? How do I know she’s safe? (Like, heck, I don’t even understand most of these new apps). I don’t want to be this awful mean […]

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Awkwardness, and Why Having a Real Talk About Sex is Essential

Have you had an awkward sex talk with your daughter? The one where she scrunches up her face and goes “MOM, PLEASE STOP!” Or the “eww gross, mommy!” Or the ‘red face and can’t wait to get out of it staring at the ground’ conversation… Or maybe she had a million and one questions and […]

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