Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

Eliza Reynolds

Getting Hip to Peer Pressure and Nutrition

  Do you remember a moment as a girl when you felt uncomfortable in your body? If you, like many of us, have struggled with your relationship to food, body and weight — Then maybe you can remember one of the first moments — Maybe it was when you hit puberty and your body began […]

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Nourishing Soul in the Mother-Daughter Relationship

Have you ever tried to share your spiritual life with your daughter? And then gotten a “mom, that’s weird” back? Maybe it was a straight up diss of your meditation practice. Or the altar that’s by your bed. Either way, ouch. And maybe with your girl it wasn’t a mean comment. Maybe it was more […]

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Why It’s Important Your Daughter Isn’t Your Best Friend

How much do you share with your girl? We mean: about your real adult emotional life. Woah. Big question. Here’s what we mean: Say, you’re struggling. It’s been a rough day. Your girl comes home from school. You feel like one more thing and you’re gonna totally fall apart. You don’t want to be fake […]

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