Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

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When We Mistake Food For Love

Dear Sister of the Heart, Food is not love, but sometimes we make it so by projecting the power of love onto food. Then when it doesn’t give us the love that we need, we may feel betrayed. When we eat when we are not physically hungry, and don’t feel well or gain extra weight, […]

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Daughtering Our Mothers

 Dear Sister of the Heart, We mamas are usually more focused on mothering our daughters, than daughtering our mothers. For one, our adolescent daughters are usually living with us and our mothers are usually not living with us. Our daughters are dependent on us as they are slowly but surely growing into their independence. […]

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Would You Like to Borrow My Hairbrush?

Dear Sister of the Heart, For as long as I can remember, my mother had a thing about my out-of-control hair. When I was a teenager, I didn’t like it either. Cher, Joni Mitchell and Twiggy set the style for me with their straight hair. Aretha Franklin was also in style, but my hair could […]

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