Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

Sil & Eliza Reynolds

She Watches How You Eat (And How That Can Be A Great Thing)

Your preteen or teen daughter is watching how you eat (she has been watching you her whole life). And before you have a stress moment, take a deep breath… this can be a great thing. Our world is crazy when it comes to food. Right? At a local dinner party, if you went around the […]

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Chill, You’re Not a Helicopter Mom

Have you ever been told to ‘let your daughter go’? To ‘stop hovering,’ or to ‘let her be more independent’? Then perhaps you’ve been accused of being a helicopter mom. It’s a loaded term that launched a media frenzy a few years ago: a mom who is overinvolved in her daughter’s life, thereby inhibiting her […]

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