Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

ELIZA’S BACK! What to Do When You Feel Like You Messed Up

WeThrive TV Interview- Eliza Reynolds

My interview with Eliza in January was one of your faves ever.

You’ve told me in coaching calls, in person, in Facebook messages, in blog comments…

I was smart to start a business with her, right? 😉

She knows how to lay out the real useful steps for us mamas.


Not just for this episode, but for our next episode too, in two weeks —

It’s back-to-back ELIZA.

She’s the Daughtering expert: serving up the realness for you, [First Name], and sharing her experience working with thousands of preteen and teenage girls (who happen to be, we promise, quite similar to your own precious girl). She’s got the inside scoop.

Today we’re talking guilt + shame. “Ooooh fun!” you say?

No, seriously, listen. What mother doesn’t have something she wishes she’d done differently?

Is there a moment when you feel like you truly f*cked up as a mother?

It could be last week when you yelled at your kid.

It could be last year when you shared a story your daughter had confided in you with your friend, and it got around, and you felt like you had broken her new preteen trust in you.

It could be when you got divorced from your daughter’s father when she was 5.

We carry these moments with us. We nurture the guilt. We keep the shame silent.

You ready to know what to do with these moments?
Click the video below to watch.

Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below.

How can you be accountable and self-compassionate instead of moving into shame and silence when you feel like you ‘messed up’?

— because collective wisdom rocks,
and we want to hear your take.

We need each other, Mama.


P.S. Forward this video to a mama who’s ready to turn over a new leaf.  Because sharing is caring, and everyone could use a stronger bond

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

Find Out More


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