Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

The Surprising Solution to Your Exhaustion


Are you ready to not be tired all the time?

I mean…

Everyone we know is tired, right?

Especially our women friends.

Whole female friendships can be built on getting together to share how busy, tired, and overwhelmed we are…. right?

The shadow side of healthy venting can be that well… we wear it like a badge of honor. Who is the busiest?? Our culture rewards the chronically busy and tired!

And, here in the U.S., tis’ the season (of manic shopping and ‘new year and new you’).

I was noticing this pull in myself the other day — the addictive ‘go, go, go!’ when really, here on the East Coast of the U.S. it’s winter, and everything around me is going… slow down, rest, nourish, celebrate, hibernate, light candles…

And then Beatrice wrote to me. She’s a mama in our community.

I knew right away I had to bring her question here, to all of us.

You see, I thought that maybe you could relate: Beatrice is tired of being tired. She’s tired of feeling taken advantage of by her family. And frankly, she told me she’s awful at resting. (How many of you are the same??).

So, I called Ayo — that’s Ayodele Moore — my go-to woman for everything magic, pleasure and self-care. If any of those words intrigue you, or throw you off… then I know this is the episode for you!

To me, Ayo is the queen of all things REAL when it comes to self-care. She went from pissed, burnt out, frazzled, single mama… to glowing radiant self-nurtured wise woman (with a kick-ass adult daughter). And she knows what it takes.

I offer you this episode — this video journey together — as a moment of sanity, self-care, and joy — as you head perhaps from one busy holiday to another!

Come curl up with me.
Click the video below to watch.

If you’re tired of the word ‘self-care’ — trust me this one is new — it’s actually going to surprise you. And I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Every other week, I will still be bringing you a new episode where we answer your burning questions, mama. And I’ll be joined by a crew of amazing mother/daughter guests — and yup, a regular guest will be my badass daughter and former co-host: Eliza . (psssst… I’ll be sharing an amazing interview with her in January!).

Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below:

What is one thing that you can commit to this week that will seriously upgrade your self-care and pleasure?

— because collective wisdom rocks,
and we want to hear your take.

We need each other.




P.S. Share this video with a mama who is ready to end the exhaustion.  Because sharing is caring, and everyone could use a stronger bond.

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

Find Out More


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