Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

Chill, You’re Not a Helicopter Mom

Have you ever been told to ‘let your daughter go’?

To ‘stop hovering,’ or to ‘let her be more independent’?

Then perhaps you’ve been accused of being a helicopter mom. It’s a loaded term that launched a media frenzy a few years ago: a mom who is overinvolved in her daughter’s life, thereby inhibiting her independent growth. Eeek. Sounds pretty icky, right? Now, for the past 10 years we’ve worked with thousands of mothers and daughters, and so we want to get real on this one: so-called ‘helicopter mothers’ are a rare and pathological condition.

Here’s the truth: your daughter needs you more than ever in the teen years, not less.

We believe that you instinctively know this. You can feel it in your body.

However the collective fear-mongering can be weighty… the ‘mom-bashing’ can come from all sides… from supposedly well-meaning in-laws, or from your daughter’s friend’s mom at after school pick-up… or perhaps even from your own partner.

Today, on the blog we’re talking about how to respond to mom-shaming, and how to fiercely stand for your bond with your daughter. And we’re breaking down the ‘helicopter mom’ term and talking about the new metaphor we can use for being the safe person our daughter returns to again and again.
Click the video below to watch.

Got 7 minutes and 33 seconds? That’s exactly how long it’s going to take watch this video. Your daughter wants you to show up for her, have her back, and teach her safety in relationship (we promise). This episode is an answer to that. 

 Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below — because collective wisdom rocks, and we want to hear your take. We need each other, mama.

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

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