Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

A Buddhist Mom’s Field Notes

Did you know that mindfulness could make your mothering easier?

Yes, I’m talking:

Less reactions —

(aka, not blowing up at your kid, or taking her grumpiness personally) —

A deeper sense of inner calm and center  —

(yup, no matter what happens!) —

Tuning in to your self with comfort and kindness…

(so you can do the same for your kid) —

It’s real magic, whether you come at it from a spiritual perspective, or from the biological perspective of settling your nervous system.

You want some of that?

Oh goody.

My amazing guest today, Bethany Saltman, is the mama of a 12 year old girl, and has been practicing Buddhist meditation for 20 years — not only that but she’s been writing about the combo (like, really good writing)! Two years ago her piece for New York Magazine, on attachment science and attuned parenting, went viral, and she’s currently finishing up a book -a beautiful memoir about healing her motherline- that weaves the wisdom of Buddhism with attachment science research– and we get a preview 😉

Give yourself a few minutes to watch this one. I think it might be the February boost you need.
Click the video below to watch.

Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below.

What is one strategy that you going to put into place this week to be more attuned to yourself and your perceptions and to notice how that affects your attunement to others?

— because collective wisdom rocks,
and we want to hear your take.

We need each other.



P.S. Forward this video to a mama wants mindful clarity too.  Because sharing is caring, and everyone could use a stronger bond.

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

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