Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

State-Of-The-Art Surgery for Breast Cancer

Although this interview doesn’t directly relate to the mother-daughter relationship, Dr. Tihesha Wilson does give us some delightful advice about raising our daughters to love their breasts. She weaves this advice into our discussion about her life’s calling and passion: to provide state-of-the-art breast surgery for women who have cancer.

I wanted to find out more about the care she provides since we all know a woman or women who have had breast cancer, or if not, chances are we will know a woman or women who will have breast cancer.

Dr. Wilson is dedicated to the early detection of breast cancer, as well as to providing state-of-the-art breast surgery for women who do end up needing surgery if they are diagnosed with cancer.

She wants women to know more about their options if they need breast surgery, including nipple-areolar sparing mastectomy and rotation flap lumpectomy. 

I am so happy to share this interview with you!

Click the video below to watch the new episode:

Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below, because collective wisdom rocks, and we want to hear your take. We need each other.

What has this conversation brought up for you? 



P.S. Forward this video to a mama who’s wanting help with keeping her bond strong with her preteen or teen daughter. Because sharing is caring and everyone needs the sisterhood!

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

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