Badass Girls Camp (Ages 13-17)


adj. 1. fearless, authentic, and compassionate, Urban Dictionary

Send your teen girl (ages 13-17) to a week of sleepaway camp with Mothering & Daughtering co-founder, Eliza Reynolds, and her team this August 11-16, 2019 in Plainfield, Massachusetts to up her confidence before the start of a new school year.

Give your girl the gift of a different kind of community that will support her in resting into being her real self.

Through games, workshops with Eliza & big sisters, art projects, movement classes, and time in nature she will learn:

  • How to have her own back and be her own best friend, no matter what social drama, school stress, or big life changes are coming her way
  • How to cultivate her own empowered relationship with her body, body image & sensuality that isn’t about crushes, being desirable, or what someone else thinks
  • How to be part of a kind, authentic, expressive teen girl community with Eliza and her team of camp counselors (called ‘big sisters’!)
  • And so much more!


Click here to learn more!

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

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