Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

She Watches How You Eat (And How That Can Be A Great Thing)

Your preteen or teen daughter is watching how you eat (she has been watching you her whole life). And before you have a stress moment, take a deep breath… this can be a great thing.

Our world is crazy when it comes to food. Right?

At a local dinner party, if you went around the table, there would probably be 10 different dietary approaches (5 of which were sworn to religiously as the ‘right’ way to eat). Food is emotional to us, not just logical.

Your daughter is also living with this in her day-to-day: she’s hearing about diets, and fat-shaming, she’s hearing about ‘dangerous’ food groups, and noticing that a lot of adults are trying to lose weight (and more and more young people her age too).

Here’s the good news: as her mother, you matter. The research has shown again and again that how a mom models her relationship to food can have a greater impact on a girl than the media at large. Really. Let’s take that one in again: a mom statistically is her daughter’s built-in protection system against negative and confusing food, body and weight messaging.

So, today on the blog, we’re talking about the culture we grew up in as women around dieting and food, and how we as mothers can create a family culture around food that is intuitive, sane, and self-loving. You ready to reclaim eating — for yourself, and for your daughter?

Click the video below to watch.


Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below — because collective wisdom rocks, and we want to hear your take. We need each other, mama.

Sil & Eliza

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

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