Archive of On the Go Answers from the Ultimate Mother-Daughter Duo

How To Help Your Girl Know She’s Enough As She Is

Does your daughter struggle with stress or anxiety?

Does she feel like she has to be perfect, liked, and have it ‘together’ all the time?

Do you feel a bit helpless when it comes to helping her relax and love herself?

Oh mama, we’re tackling a big one this week: stress is at an all-time high for our preteen and teen girls.

And I’ve brought in one of the wisest women I know on the topic: perhaps you first heard of Rachel Simmons when a smart friend of yours handed you one of her best-selling books: “Odd Girl Out” about aggression and bullying in girls, or “The Curse of the Good Girl” about how the ‘good girl’ pressure is holding back our girls’ full expression and power.

If you’ve never heard of her, allow me to be that smart friend handing you a book —

Rachel is an extraordinary writer and researcher, the visionary creator of the national non-profit Girls Leadership (which  offers amazing programs you and your daughter can take advantage of), and also a mama to a daughter.

Her newest book, Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Live Healthy, Happy and Fulfilling Lives came out earlier this year! I am so delighted to get to talk with Rachel about self-criticism- and its antidote self-compassion- as well as how to raise our girls to live authentically and joyfully in our culture of perfectionism.

Click the video below to watch.

Once you’ve gotten a chance to check out the video, leave a comment below.

What’s one take away to help guide your daughter to health and fulfillment (besides getting Rachel’s book!) that you were inspired by and want to put into action this week? 

— because collective wisdom rocks,
and we want to hear your take.

We need each other, mama.



P.S. Forward this video to a mama who’s against perfectionism.  Because sharing is caring, and everyone could use a stronger bond.

Hi, We’re Sil & Eliza!

The mother-daughter dynamic duo behind Mothering & Daughtering. We’re downright devoted to you thriving not just surviving with your daughter during the preteen, teen years and beyond.

Find Out More


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